We take your privacy seriously!

At Standee.in, safeguarding your online privacy is important to us from both a business and ethical standpoint. We proudly share our honest, open, and accessible privacy and security policy. We do not sell or rent your personal information. That’s NOT how we operate. As mentioned, confidentiality is key. We only use your information as described in our Privacy Policy. We view protecting your privacy as a vital community principle and understand that you and your information are among our most important assets.

We store and handle your personal information on our servers, which are protected by both physical and technological security measures. If you purchase a product from us, we may collect your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will acquire your email address. If you take advantage of special offers from us, we might collect additional personal information.

We use your personal data for internal purposes, including processing and fulfilling your orders. If you want us to remove any information we’ve collected about you, please email your request to info@standee.in. If you’re no longer interested in receiving email advertisements and other marketing information from us, please let us know.

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Trademark, Copyright, and Restrictions:

This website is controlled and operated by Standee.in. All products showcased on this platform are protected by legal trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights owned and controlled by us, as well as by other parties who have licensed their material to us. By “products,” we refer to images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips available on the site. The Standee.in logo, name, and design are ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Any other products, including trademarks, product names, and company names or designs mentioned herein, are the property of their respective owners (guests using this website). You are prohibited from using (reproducing, performing, creating derivative works, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting, or distributing) any materials from the site in any way whatsoever. Printing materials for any other purpose, transferring materials for use on any other website, or using materials without our prior written authorization is strictly prohibited.

We hold copyright entitlement for all the products, materials, or designs available on this site. Therefore, we strictly prohibit any third party from copying ideas or products available on this site, and legal action will be taken against violators. Additionally, when you provide us with any design or creative work for the purpose of printing or otherwise, you are willingly submitting your ideas, and we reserve all rights to use them. Designs submitted by a client/guest/customer remain absolutely confidential and are kept strictly between the customer and Standee.in.


“Cookies” are small data packets created by a web server when you access a website, containing references to user ID information provided by you. Standee.in uses cookies to enhance your shopping experience. They track your shopping cart contents and retain your login and personal details, making your future visits to the site more streamlined. For more information on our commitment to customer safety, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

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